Flux is an interactive documentary experience directed by Suvi Andrea Helminen, in residence at the MIT Open Documentary Lab. The project explores gender identities and gender construction. It is a journey into an alternate universe where gender is negotiated instead of being defined by sex. Fluidity rules! It's a path to self-discovery, and at the same time the growth of a new collective movement seeking to change the polarized discourse of the current gender debate. The virtual world of Flux will be integrated with real life gender-bending party events, seeking to initiate a mentality shift by deconstructing gender binaries through play.
In the interactive web documentary experience, the narrative is personalized and adaptive to you, depending on which information you choose to reveal about yourself. In other words every experience will be unique. The initial experience is 15 minutes, but it is re-playable for up to 200 minutes. It incorporates documentary with game structure and also takes inspiration from online personality tests.
Forward Mapworks worked closely with the producer and director of Flux during the development stage, conducting ethnography, designing theories of change, and mapping the Flux ecosystem in the U.S. Strategies were designed for generative audience and platform design and development, along with actionable plans for engaging strategic partners. Expected launch: Spring 2016.
House of Real
Transmedia, New Venture, Ecosystem Mapping
New York Office 126 Greene Ave Suite 4N Brooklyn, NY 11238
+1 (206) 395-MAPS (6277)