Forward Mapworks

Nearby Registry

Entrepreneur and local living economies advocate Allison Grappone has big plans for small town merchants. In 2012, she launched Nearby Registry, an online gift registry platform for independent retailers and service providers. By leveling the playing field and giving newlyweds, expecting parents, and other gift registrants a choice to support small businesses, Nearby Registry strengthens local economies by keeping discretionary gift spending, well, Nearby.

Forward Mapworks lended early-stage support, including tactical launch design, growth trajectory planning, financial modeling, pricing refinement, staffing methodology, and product development strategy. Having adopted a whole-systems approach to business planning, Nearby Registry successfully secured top honors and seed funding in the 2011 Manchester Young Professionals Network New Hampshire Start Up Challenge competition.


Nearby Registry




Financial plan

Supporting an entrepreneurial vision for vitalizing small town merchants and strengthening local living economies by providing a new choice for consumers in the gift registry market.

New York Office 126 Greene Ave Suite 4N Brooklyn, NY 11238

+1 (206) 395-MAPS (6277)